Saturday, December 15, 2018

Facebook bug exposed up to 6.8M users’ unposted photos to apps

Image result for Facebook bug exposed up to 6.8M users’ unposted photos to apps

Reset the “days since the last Facebook  privacy scandal” counter, as Facebook has just revealed a Photo API bug gave app developers too much access to the photos of up to 5.6 million users.

Facebook provided merely a glib “We’re sorry this happened” in terms of an apology. It will provide tools next week for app developers to check if they were impacted and it will work with them to delete photos they shouldn’t have. The company plans to notify people it suspects may have been impacted by the bug via Facebook notification that will direct them to the Help Center where they’ll see if they used any apps impacted by the bug. It’s recommending users log into apps to check if they have wrongful photo access.

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